Well the church is true. I can testify that it is. My
companion Elder Toleman calls me the Stallion because he says my testimony is
so strong. I know that god put me in the M.T.C on March 14th for a
reason. Elder Toleman my companion is awesome he is from Pocatello and he was a
guide on the Snake River. We have so much in common, even Frisbee!
If you are able to watch conference you better be looking
for me in the bass section of the MTC choir that is singing in the afternoon
session. I am so stoked for this experience. I am singing in conference! We
will be flying out on the 2nd to go out to the field. I can’t wait
to be out in the field I have learned a lot and am learning to love the lord
more and more. I love the letters I get, thanks everyone for the support.